At ewIndia, our mission is to provide our customers with great electronic products at reasonable prices. We want for you to worry less about technicalities and focus on what’s important for you. We want our customers to find all their electronic solutions at one single place.

ewIndia is the brand name for Electronics Wholesale. www.ewindia.in is the official online retail outlet of Electronics Wholesale, PB.

Electronics Wholesale is currently present offline only in one city i.e., Jalandhar, Punjab. We are progressively working towards our expansion and soon will come with more offline outlets.

Electronics Wholesale is the first company in the Indian market to provide warranties on master clones so as to assure that the customer gets to take full advantage of what he paid for. We also deal in all original and branded products. We are soon coming up with an amazing product line with our own branding.

Our team is dedicated to enhance your shopping experience and is available around the clock to assist you. You are our top priority, and through our products, we want to help you ease your life and get the most out of everything.

Electronics Wholesale was founded back in 2020, with the goal of bringing technology to hands of everyone at a very affordable price. We hope that you have a wonderful experience shopping with ewIndia.

For any query you can mail us at our registered address:
Electronics Wholesale

612, Karol Bagh,

Near GNDU-Regional Campus,

Punjab- 144009

Or you can reach out to us on our email: support@ewindia.in